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Ubuntu - You do not have permission to view the contents of the folder.

Ubuntu - You do not have permission to view the contents of the folder.

The problem can be described as the picture shown below.

Situation :
I just transferred my files from my pendrive to my /home/ partition. Right after it had finished, I went straight to open my file. But then, this problem came up.

Solution :
At first it didn't crossed my mind about this, to check the permission of the file.
I'm a linux beginner, so it took me awhile to figure this out. Turns out it because I don't have the permission to open the file. Now when I look back there is a lock icon on the folder.

So, Here is what I did to fix it.

sudo chmod -R 754 /home/D/Pendrive

sudo         : provide the user(which you logged into) with administrator privelege
chmod      : change file/folder permissi
-R              : recursive don't know what it really mean but as to my                 
                   understanding , if the folder of which you're trying to change the
                   permission have anything inside it(subfolder/subcontent) their
                   permission will also change.
754           : 7 - User's Permission
                   5 - Group's Permission
                   4 - Anyone else
/home/D/Pendrive : Your folder location

Done! Now the lock icon on your folder should disappear and you should be able to open it now.

If you wish to know more about chmod , click on the link below.

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